Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Effect of Computer on Design Creativity
Impact of Computer on Design Creativity Are PCs removing the inventiveness in structure? Unique PCs are an indispensable piece of todays configuration process. They, PCs speak to a period and cost sparing gadget that guides structures in rendering shapes and taking a gander at a more extensive boundary of potential outcomes than would be conceivable something else. In taking a gander at structure, one must know that it speaks to a piece of a business procedure that has serious contemplations. The previous incorporates costs, materials, development, uniqueness, qualification, usefulness, and utility in social affair customers and well as clients. The commitment of PCs in this profoundly charged condition has assisted with driving down expenses, while creating advancement just as ways to deal with imagination. All things considered, originators have had the option to extend their innovativeness through the capacity of the PC to allow them to take a gander at more prospects in their pursuit to show up at arrangements that fit inside the former boundaries. As programming programs advance on a mechanical premise, more up to date and all the more impressive projects are progressively taking on more jobs in the structure procedure. This speaks to the establishment of this assessment in that generative structure has caught another piece of the first in that product can create plans dependent on input boundaries. Is the former creative? The appropriate response would need to be a yes. Does the previous guide in the business perspectives as far as expanding the scope of expected prospects, and assisting with minimizing expenses? Once more, yes is the appropriate response. Along these lines, PCs do have their place in expanding the effectiveness and scope of configuration yields. The inquiry is, has their job beginning to turn out to be enormous to the point that they, PCs are assuming control over the plan work, consigning the originator to a PC administrator? Section 1 Introduction In comparing the inquiry with regards to whether PCs are removing inventiveness in plan, an investigation into the catchphrases of the assessment is apparently all together. The Houghton Mifflin (2007) word reference characterizes generative as â€Å"Having the capacity to start, produce, or procreate†. Configuration, speaks to the procedure whereby one makes, molds, executes or potentially develops as per an arrangement (Merriam Webster (2007). The structure procedure, contingent on the application that is being used, speaks to experimentation in working through the means to the last plan that fits the boundaries of the task (Brown, 2001, p. 2). So as to concentrate in on the specific circumstance, plan as it identifies with engineering, development and new items, for example, vehicles, and machines will speak to the center of the assessment as spoke to by the inquiry rather than the structure of dress, bundling, and related structures whereby the item is planned dependent on basically inward contemplations instead of customer, as well as serious, and market contemplations. As delivered by McDonagh et al (2004, p. 13): â€Å"As set up items have gotten increasingly comparable in innovation, usefulness, cost and quality, organizations have gone to configuration to separate their contributions through human-focused development and to make more grounded enthusiastic associations with their clients. More organizations have followed the case of Apple, Braun and Philips, perceiving structure as a vital capacity in their business-not one compliant to advertising, producing or engineering†The plan procedure has progressively gotten increasingly serious as far as separating items, and speaking to customers and clients, as â€Å"†¦companies look for upper hand through increasingly coordinated contributions, with separation through all purposes of client contact that express their brand†(McDonagh et al, 2004, p. 13). In this manner, plan is a basic capacity most organizations, taking contrasting structures, in this manner the political decision to limit this assessment to the previously mentioned classes. Rittel and Weber (1973, p. 158) reveal to us that structure issues are something other than complex, they, plan issues, speak to what they term as â€Å"wicked problems†. Moran and Carroll (1996, p. 4) in explaining on the previously mentioned exhort that structure issues â€Å"†¦be expressed as such or comprehended in the feeling of authoritative answers, in light of the fact that the standards for assessing objectives and results are countless, emotional, and conflicting†. They include that (Moran and Carroll, 1996, p. 4): â€Å"Any arrangement will create influxes of results that collaborate among themselves and with different issues, changing the issue circumstance in irreversible and obscure manners. Subsequently, each underhanded issue is just a manifestation of further fiendish issues; their answers can't be at last evaluated.†In understanding the subtleties just as consequences of plan, it is important to take note of that structure is a procedure that it for the most part continues under conditions that are spoken to by a high level of vulnerability, whereby answers to basic aspects can't be had (Moran and Carroll, 1996, p. 4). The plan procedure additionally is compelled by genuine contemplations as spoke to by time, and spending plans, accordingly the limits of the procedure, structure, are not boundless. Consequently, taking into account requirements, the plan procedure needs both resourcefulness just as innovativeness. As delivered by Rittel and Weber (1973, p. 158), the multifaceted nature of plan issues make configuration extends unreasonably enormous for on individual to deal with as numerous â€Å"†¦technical disciplines are required, just as the executives discipline, notwithstanding innovative and integrative skills†(Moran and Carroll, 1996, p. 5). Proof supporting the specialized challenges engaged with the plan procedure is introduced by Brown (1998, pp. 45-46), who expresses the disappointment rate for new structures of various kinds before development begins is around 10%. For new items, for example, gadgets and related classes, the disappointment rate because of configuration is by and large inside Browns (1998, pp. 45-46) territory, anyway there are special cases, for example, the 33% disappointment rate that Microsofts new Xbox 360 is encountering (DailyTech, 2007). Weights to hit the nail on the head speak to a basic business choice, regardless of whether there is a customer included, or if the plan procedure speaks to an inner procedure for the companys own items. In this manner, time, cost, effortlessness, and disappointment rate minimisation are basic business worries that the originator must work inside. In this manner, the plan work, while being innovativeness, is additionally dependent upon the prior down to busin ess contemplations. Generative plan programming speaks to the procedures whereby new structures can be consequently created at the press of a catch (Mass Customization Open Innovation News, 2006). The previous speaks to PC programming taking different plan particulars and planning them into a last structure network dependent on the info factors inside the product program (Mass Customization Open Innovation News, 2006). The essential structures, designs or potentially questions is adjusted naturally by a calculation, hence allowing quicker path and blunder forms (Mass Customization Open Innovation News, 2006). The procedure of programmed plan age licenses a huge number of varying structures to be created, just as allowing new ones, as the structure procedure isn't confined to the creators creative mind (Mass Customization Open Innovation News, 2006). It, generative plan is â€Å"†¦ the force or capacity of creating, starting, delivering, or reproducing†(Merriam Webster, 2007). The planning of engineering, and items speak to forms that are three-dimensional (Beilharz, 2004). Boundaries as spoken to by shading, surface, utility plan input limitations, space, guidelines, gravity, materials, heat (on account of specific items) and expenses are the limits to the structure also (Beilharz, 2004). The utilization of generative frameworks to configuration influences the plan procedure stages and â€Å"†¦ incorporates the macrocosmic and microcosmic relations of the structure system†. With the end goal of explanation, macrocosmic speaks to â€Å"and enormous or complex framework or structure comprised of comparative littler frameworks or structures †¦Ã¢â‚¬ (allwords.com, 2007), though microcosmic is characterized as â€Å" somewhat world †¦ a network or other solidarity that is an encapsulation of a b igger unity†(Merriam Webster, 2007). This assessment will take a gander at whether PCs are removing inventiveness in configuration by concentrating on generative plan, and how it influences the originator. In digging into the previous, various significant territories will be inspected so as to comprehend the plan procedure, what it involves, alongside what imagination is and how it is used. Section 2 - The Design Process In planning an item, building, vehicle or machine the rule yield as spoke to by the structure procedure is its detail as spoken to by either a commented on CAD rendering or potentially a schematic (Moran and Carroll, 1996, p. 324). The structure basis speaks to the why the plan is done in the way that it is, with the previous including different kinds of data (Moran and Carroll, 1996, p. 324). Fry (1999, p. 22) takes a more extensive perspective on configuration, expressing that â€Å"†¦ it is one of the most remarkable approaches to see how a world is prefigured, made and acts†. Mitchell (1990, pp. 67-71) clarifies the structure procedure as one that relying on the specific circumstance, takes on varying structures. He clarifies that the most regular computational varieties speak to changes, which he terms as unary, just as twofold tasks of shapes as spoke to in either two dimensional drawings, as well as three dimensional geographic models (Mitchell, 1990, pp. 68-69). M itchell (1993, p. 25) expresses that there are territories in PC helped structure that neglect to help innovativeness, refering to shape rise for instance. Mitchell (1993, p. 25) contends that: â€Å"that de
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Statement of problem, opportunity, objectives Essay Example for Free
Proclamation of issue, opportunity, goals Essay Alan Baird, the establishing figure of Stitch it, a principally shopping center based specialist organization which officials adjustment administrations to the private and open part, was currently the company’s CEO. In 1990, Baird sold Stitch it to a business bunch after deals and salary had started to slow. In the wake of selling his organization and having remained on as CEO, he supervised the development of the organization and in general extension structure the underlying 3 stores under Baird’s direct authority, to today’s 84 stores all through Canada and the United States. Presently having the chance to repurchase his undertaking, his little girl, Jennifer Baird has communicated her advantage I turning into an official in the Stitch It Group. Investigation of circumstance Despite the fact that Jennifer Baird has moved on from The University of Western Ontario with a bachelor’s qualification in the regulatory and business considers program in 2000, she needs ongoing experience to go into the Stitch It Group and lead as an official. She would make some troublesome memories endeavoring to change in accordance with the quick paced condition notwithstanding having the help from her companions or the regard from her representatives without having earned her â€Å"stripes.†To address the worry, Alain Baird proposed an arrangement of assault to open his little girl to the genuinely necessary experience by finishing a 10-year plan. The arrangement required her to accept the job of a neighborhood store climbing to overseeing activities to different stores and afterward pivoting through situations in business tasks, bookkeeping division, promoting and HR before heading into an official position Recognizable proof and assessment of choices Elective #1: Jennifer Baird can proceed with her instruction and her objective to be a top official by taking courses and winning a degree in business the executives. Preferred position: She would bring this instruction into a speculative 10-year program her dad will create and open her to genuine circumstances with the everyday tasks of the gathering. Hindrance: This alternative may hinder her dad from buying the gathering in the way that it would be up to an extra four years of tutoring before she can go with and help him the business activities. Elective #2: Alan Baird takes his little girl, Jennifer Baird, under the care of him and shows her â€Å"the ropes†in the wake of finishing her training at The University of Western Ontario and allocates her to and broadened temporary job program after he acknowledges the proposal to repurchase his past business gathering. Bit of leeway: Alan Baird satisfies his fantasy to work a privately-owned company; also he guarantees himself his girl acquires the vital introduction to the victories and disappointment of maintaining the business. Hindrance: Within time, Alan Baird probably won't have the physical endurance to maintain the privately-run company and stay aware of his daughter’s preparing. Choice, game-plan, usage Elective #2 is the best strategy accessible to Alan Baird. By taking his little girl under his administration, he can share direct understanding and information to survive and proceed in the groups’ achievement and he can have the privately-owned company he constantly looked for after.
Sunday, August 2, 2020
Burton-Conner Floor Rush and Rooming
Burton-Conner Floor Rush and Rooming Burton-Conner is one of the dorms here at MIT. You can check out our very outdated website here: Its almost exactly one year old! I get a lot of questions about how choosing dorms, floors, rooms, and roommates works. In some respects thats tricky to answer, but I can give it a shot. Although this has already been typed, explained, posted, published, and discussed over a dozen times by various bloggers, websites, and other people, I will again describe how housing works. After being admitted and getting your big packet in March you come to CPW and get to explore all the different dorms. After visiting and getting a feel for the dorms you get to decided, officially, whether you want to attend MIT or not. If you choose to attend, your next mailing (The Next Big Mailing) has all of the awesome information you need to get you started, including instructions to set up your e-mail address, financial aid information, a DVD with videos made by each of the dorms, a book describing the dorms, and a list of dorms with a ranking system described. This is when you choose your initial dorms. Thats right, you get to choose your dorm. You rank all of the dorms in order that you would like to live in them (1 = I WANT TO LIVE THERE! 17 = Im a guy, you cant possibly expect me to live in McCormick!). You submit all of your choices and then a month or two later, after a lot of magic happens, you are assigned a dorm, a room, and a roommate (they dont tell you your roommate, you get to figure that out via Facebook), congratulations, but youre not done yet! When you get to campus for orientation youll stay in your temporary room and continue to visit as many dorms as possible during Residence Exploration (REX). After that week of wandering is over you can choose to either stay in the dorm you are temped in or readjust to a new dorm. Readjusting doesnt always mean you get what you want, but its a chance to try to switch dorms. Its a rank/lottery system just like the initial dorm selection. After everybody is in their final dorms the next big event happens: Floor Rush. This is when everything gets a little less standardized. All the dorms have different internal methods of rooming and flooring, so Im going to have to just describe the Burton-Conner method. Im sure other bloggers would be happy to describe other methods for other dorms if you shot them an e-mail. There are 9 residential floors of Burton-Conner: Conner 2 Conner 3 Conner 4 Conner 5 Burton 1 Burton 2 Burton 3rd Burton 4 Burton 5 Each has VERY different personalities, cultures, and types of people so its important to try and live somewhere youll feel the most comfortable. The way floor rush works is that all of the different floors host activities and employ different methods for both the freshmen to meet the upperclassmen and for the upperclassmen to meet the freshmen. Upperclassmen from one floor arent allowed onto the other floors, so again, I cant speak for the other floors, but I can give you a sneak peak into what Conner 2 Floor Rush looked like. Conner 2 is slightly obsessed with a song entitled Shoot the Zombies. Heres our cover: As such, we decided a floor rush activity involving shooting zombies in the head would be prudent. Hence, the sign you could find in the 23 Suite: You see, a zombie recently moved into the 23 Suite and we needed a way to deal with him. They only real good way to deal with a zombie on the loose is to shoot him. With Nerf guns. Also in the 23 Suite were some room tours, giving everybody a glimpse into a standard double (my double) and some singles. It was kind of important for us to have a good rush for two big reasons. 1) We have no walls. They ripped all the wood paneling off our walls and are replacing them with drywall, spackle, and paint. At this point we only have drywall. 2) Our TV is broken. Id be willing to bet that a lot of the floors had a Wii on, we did not. Instead, we had smoothies , iced coffee, and crepes. The aftermath can be seen here: We made sure that the entrance to Conner 2 was as nice as we could make it, so we dressed up the entry way to the floor. Also, no, were not a cultural house, even though we have Union Jacks all over the floor. Heres our story Conner 2 is commonly known as English House. Hence the British flags painted on the walls and all. But why? Back in the fall of 74 (before there was a New House for all the cultural houses), the western half of the floor was separated by the eastern half by a locked door and was called Russian House. (Only the eastern half was officially considered Conner 2.) The floor tutors suite was part of Russian House and was occupied by the faculty director of Russian House. As is probably obvious, Russian House was established to give students an immersive environment in which to become fluent in Russian. The Russian House students placed Russian labels on many common objects on the floor to assist them in learning conversational Russian quickly. Russian House moved out of Burton-Conner after the Spring 1975 semester, but left their Russian labels all over the place. The residents of Conner 2, in turn, began calling the floor English House. Inspired one night, they placed English labels on the common objects around the floor. Rather than removing the Russian labels (which didnt really work well since they were quite attached to the walls), they just labeled over them in English. Some people got so into the spirit that British flags began to appear decorating the walls. In order that the descendants of those first Founders might never forget their history, Conner 2 became commonly known as English House. To this day, the fire extinguisher between the 23 and 24 suites still bears an original Russian label. One the wall right outside our elevator are pictures of all the residents and the story that I just posted. When the elevator door opens and you step out you are greeted with a whiteboard bearing the following: Unfortunately, all of our elevator area niceties were stymied by Conner 3. Conner 3 had cracked open the elevator panel, rewired it, and then closed it back up again, making it only open on Conner 3 and the lobby. Ordinarily, this would be hilarious. Honestly, kudos to Conner 3, but there are some serious issues with doing this during floor rush. First off, floor rush isnt a competition between floors, its a chance for freshmen to visit all the floors and find the one theyd fit in to. Floors actually force freshmen to leave and go visit other floors if they hang around too long. Its not a competition to get as many frosh as possible, so Conner 2 got a bit miffed over Conner 3 screwing with dorm property and floor rush in one fell swoop. Floor competitions or snowball fights, re-wire your hearts out, but dont prevent freshmen from visiting Conner 5 because they cant take the elevator and dont want to take the stairs. Not cool. We decided to fix the elevator so we grabbed toolboxes and went to work. To get the panel off we removed all the hex bolts but the very last bolt was some weird double pinned security bolt, the tool for which we didnt own. Laura messed with it for a while and then I messed with it, eventually constructing a homemade tool from some paperclips and electrical tape that finally opened the panel. It was pretty apparent what had been tampered with, all of the wires from buttons, labeled 1-5, had been spliced into one black wire and that was connected to the 3 slot. We unspliced the wires, separated them out, and then put them back where they belonged. Except for Conner 3. We wired them to go to Conner 1, just because. They walked into the elevator as we were doing this however, and the wires were switched back such that the elevator was completely returned to its normal state. The panel was screwed back down, and freshmen began using the elevator to visit ALL the floors, not just Conner 3. At the end of the evening, freshmen ranked the floors. They submitted their rankings and then overnight more magic happened. Unfortunately, the flooring magic isnt as efficient as the housing magic, so while many people got their first choice, several people got their 6th, 7th, 8th, and even 9th picks. It really is unfortunate and since Im not on the flooring committee I dont understand how it all works. Know that its not impossible to move to a different floor, so if you truly are unhappy with where you live after a year there, talk to a different floor and see if theyll accept you during the next flooring cycle (generally at the end of the year). So thats Burton-Conner/Conner 2 floor rush. Once the freshmen are on a floor they are slotted into rooms (again, different methods for different floors) and then life at MIT begins. Post Tagged #Burton-Conner House
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Essay Battle Royal, by Ralph Ellison - 1341 Words
Ellison’s Powerful Battle Royal I felt a wave of irrational guilt and fear. My teeth chattered, my skin turned to goose flesh, my knees knocked. Yet I was strongly attracted and looked in spite of myself. Had the price of looking been blindness, I would have looked. (Ellison 939) These insightful words written by Ralph Ellison in the powerful short story Battle Royal, which later became the first chapter in the critically acclaimed novel Invisible Man, convey the repressed desires of the maligned African American spirit, in an age of oppression ruled by ignorance and fear. In Battle Royal Ellison utilizes remarkable powers of perception to deliver a shocking and thought-provoking dissertation on the†¦show more content†¦The narrator delivers a well-received discourse at his graduation, which he describes by saying, On my graduation day I delivered an oration in which I showed that humility was the secret, indeed, the very essence of progress. (Not that I believed this -- how could I, remembering my grandfather? -- I only believed that it worked) (Ellison 938). The acceptance of the narrators speech affords him the opportunity to address an assembly of prominent members of the white community, but first he must survive the Battle Royal, a boxing war in the ring against fellow African Americans. The Battle Royal is symbolic of the fight that many blacks wage against themselves to gain money, position, and prominence. The narrator is forced to participate in a battle against blacks before he speaks. This conflict illustrates a powerful tool used by the southern white man, by encouraging infighting, the African American community is kept from uniting, in unity, freedom could be gained. The narrator is an excellent speaker who remarks about his talent saying, In those pre-invisible days I visualized myself as aShow MoreRelatedBattle Royal, By Ralph Ellison963 Words  | 4 Pages Battle Royal Interpretive Essay Battle Royal is a short story that metaphorically address many such issues such as racial discrimination. The Author, Ralph Ellison, uses symbolism such as blindness and the concept of initiation to compare the world to a real life battlefield. Ellison intended to emphasize, both passive and aggressive elements of battle is necessary to achieve the American Dream. There is much symbolism used in the story. The protagonist’s grandfather is a symbol in himself.Read MoreBattle Royal By Ralph Ellison989 Words  | 4 PagesIt is undeniable that the short story by Ralph Ellison entitled â€Å"Battle Royal†is an intense one. It would be hard to walk away from reading his story without feeling some kind of emotion whether it be pain, sadness, fear, anger, or all of the above. This story portrays a black man, the invisible man, in the time when racism is still running rampant. He uses symbolism many times in order to portray meaning and delve deep into the mind and emotions of the main character, a black man. In the storyRead MoreBattle Royal By Ralph Ellison1308 Words  | 6 PagesThe short story Battle Royal by Ralph Ellison is a disturbing story about the conflicts between the black and white cultures and the main character and himself. In the story the conflicts between the two cultures had a definite impact on how the main ch aracter saw himself and caused the conflicts within himself. Battle Royal deals with racism and the suppression of the African American race and how it effected the actions of that culture. The main character of the story is an African AmericanRead MoreBattle Royal, By Ralph Ellison969 Words  | 4 PagesThe struggles of many black is should never be described lightly. Many african americans were treated like animals and never was given the respected deserved. In the story, Battle Royal, by Ralph Ellison, a young African American man is trying to fit into white society that holds majority of blacks back. During the beginning, the narrator is bewildered by his grandfather s last words. His grandfather spoke out about being a traitor in front of his family. The family was confused and concernedRead MoreBattle Royal By Ralph Ellison Analysis1089 Words  | 5 Pagesfactor though. Nobility has always looked down upon those without royal blood, and rich people have always looked d own upon poor people. These factors are all present in Battle Royal by Ralph Ellison. In order to highlight the virulent relationship between the white men and black men in Battle Royal, Ralph Ellison focuses on a separation of class by way of race, wealth, and social standing. Because of racism, the main character (Ellison) in the story, along with his fellow African Americans, are treatedRead MoreRalph Ellison s Battle Royal985 Words  | 4 PagesRalph Ellison’s â€Å"Battle Royal†, is nerving, historical, and suspenseful. Ralph Ellison describes the events about how the young narrator goes to a meeting of city men and thinks he would be giving the speech of a lifetime. Although he does get to give his speech at the end of the night, the narrator goes through hell to get what he would like to achieve. Ellison has the narrator go through what mirrors to be what the African-American community in the twentieth century is shaping to be. Through theRead MoreAnalysis Of The Battle Royal By Ralph Ellison1383 Words  | 6 Pages â€Å"The Battle Royal†by Ralph Ellison Life is full of obstacles, but no matter what it is we must struggle for survival. In the short story â€Å"The Battle Royal†by Ralph Ellison, the narrator talks about the clash between the African-American and white and the segregation issues. It features a young black man who has recently graduated from high school, and he is invited to give a speech to a group white gathering. While delivering the speechRead MoreAnalysis Of Battle Royal By Ralph Ellison1508 Words  | 7 PagesUnrelenting Perseverance Ralph Ellison’s excerpt â€Å"Battle Royal†from his novel â€Å"Invisible Man†reveals the African American’s struggle for social equality. It was written during the Cold War and Civil Rights movement and made an impact in the literature world and won an award. Ellison never provides a name for the narrator who refers to himself as the invisible man. The story begins with the narrator’s grandfather on his death bed instructing on how to deal with white people. The narrator felt thisRead MoreAnalysis Of `` Battle Royal `` By Ralph Ellison1405 Words  | 6 Pagesleads people to misunderstand what segregation truly did. Karen and Barbara Fields are two sisters who wrote Racecraft together to discuss serious racial issues of the past, present, and future. These issues are present in â€Å"Battle Royal†, a short story written by Ralph Ellison. A major theme in this story is the differentiation of class. White men seem to live the life and are able to obtain whatever they desire; the black teenagers in the story are set up to brawl each other to entertain the whiteRead MoreEssay on Battle Royal, by Ralph Ellison728 Words  | 3 Pages Triumphing Over Challenges The story â€Å"Battle Royal†, by Ralph Ellison is about a young black man who has to overcome racial inequalities. The story opens with his grandfather dying words and leaving the family with words that stick with the main character for life. The main character, whose name in not mentioned, is very intelligent and because of this the prominent white businessmen ask him to give a speech at a hotel. Upon his arrival, the white men put him through many humiliating acts for
Monday, May 11, 2020
The Black Death and Its Effect on the Change in Medicine - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 8 Words: 2508 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2019/07/03 Category History Essay Level High school Tags: Black Death Essay Did you like this example? Historians have argued if the Black Death in the 13th century advanced science and medicine or if it was just a terrible plague that wiped out most of the European population. The Black Death did in fact bring many discoveries to most of Europe. The aftermath of the plague led to advancements of medications and swayed everyone from their hardcore beliefs. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Black Death and Its Effect on the Change in Medicine" essay for you Create order Medical practices went from being theoretical, based on their theories of the human body, to being more based on evidence which was gained through experience from prior patients. The questions I want to answer in this paper are: why did it took so long to find a cure for the plague? Was the disease difficult to understand in general? Lastly, did other theories hold up to Galens? It all started in 1347, the time of the century where the people of Europe could not think it could be any worse. Slightly before this time, in 1316-1317, the people were already suffering from a famine due to volcanic eruptions which blocked out the sun. Later, came the cooling process as it rained too much for crops to grow. Families have doubled size roughly between 1000 and 1300s and there simply was not enough food to feed the people of Europe. It wasnt until 1347 when the Black Death, also known as the bubonic plague, was brought back by ship from Kaffa to the islands of Sicily. Kaffa was a Genoese trading center along the Black Sea, but, in 1346, the Huns were trying to take over the trade routes. This however, had allowed the Huns to become the victim of the plague. This caused at least 5 million deaths in China which caused the Huns to dump the bodies into Kaffa. This lead them into thinking it would cause the end of the plague but, unfortunately, the infected fleas will jump to different host bodies after the death of their original host body. This plague was then also brought to other European countries and it spread north. Everyone was equally harmed by this disease meaning, not only did this disease affect those who were poor, but also those who were rich. At this point, the people have been forgetting the proper burial and would be thrown into a mass grave. By 1350, with an exception to few, all of Europes trading routes were devastated by the disease (Sayre 443). Not only did the Black Death plague break out once, but also again in 1363, 1388-90, and 1400. Keep in mind these people were already suffering from lack of a supplementary food supply and their bodies were already severely weakened. The European people and those around them had not experienced a pandemic to the level of the Black Death in a quincentenary, and the plagues re-visitation in the 1400s was viewed as completely unparalleled. Therefore, the European people and those around them had no remembered period of time or an event to which they could turn to for guidance and stability. There was no past epidemic similar to the plague, meaning, they didnt have any historical time period to look back to. I believe that epidemic disease and environmental crisis were the most important factors in shaping European history in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. I think that many, if not most, specialists agree with me (Gottfried). Not only was the plague one of the biggest periods in European history, but it would later spark a revolution in the medical field. Galens theories were highly believed during this time, and he had created a medicine that could help with the plague. Theriac was one of the most popular plague medicines that he created. However, this medicine was not as easy as you would think to get. That medicine alone, simply contained 80 different ingredients. Physicians responsibility was the prevention of disease and to maintain and promote good health. The belief was that the disease was an imbalance of the four humors. Dry and cold in the humoral schema, such foodstuffs could engender the type of humors suitable to corroding and overcoming the pestilential poison, itself hot and moist. (Fabbri 250). Medicines in this time typically fell between three categories, purgatives, cordials, and antidotes. Puratives would cleanse the perfluous humors, Cordials strengthened the heart, brain, and liver, and antidotes neuralized poisons. Theriac was originally made for poisonous snake bites and was believed to be supremely effective against poison. Opium was one of the most significant simple ingredients contained in Theriac. This medicine was actually formed from one of the best medications, mithridatium, which was derived from Mithridates, King of Pontus (120-63 BC), and later, Andromachus the Elder added viper flesh into the recipe which increased the proportion of opium (Fabbri 254). It had been noted that when theriac was fresh, it constipated the bowels, for it contained opium and other constrictives; this effect was thought to be due to insufficient aging (Fabbri 255). Although it was considered the best form of medicine at the time, it took 10 years to sit and reach its true form. The advent of the Black Death provided ample opportunity to make use of the expanded pharmacopoeias of Arabic tradition, which had replaced many of the early monastic recipe books (Fabbri 262). What Fabbri is referring to is that the black Death allowed for the older recipes for medicine to be changed to a newer Arabian tradition of medicine a nd newer recipes were available in texts. Translations of Arabic pharmacopoeias, a book containing a list of medicinal drugs with directions on how to use them and their effects, were based on Greek, Persian, and Arabic terms (Fabbri 249). These were often but transliterations; this was more like a glossary or a lists of synonyms that were helpful, but without universal scientific criteria, linguistic, geographic, or functional confusion was easy. Moreover, their use of multiple types of preparations and routes of administration was further evidence of their pharmacologic expertise (Fabbri 269). Historians that went into pharmacology would try to avoid studying about medicaments during this time frame due to prejudices against ineffective therapies. It was difficult for the people of Europe to believe in this medication since so many people were dying from it still. However, many still believed its effectiveness since it took away quite a few symptoms of the plague. The effect of theriac on reported plague symptoms is difficult to assess. Multiple ingredients, together with lack of standardization and disputes about proper constituents, as well as possible chemical interactions, make this a challenging, if not impossible, task (Fabbri 267). Even with some of the backlash on the medication, Theriac was still a main source of medicine, but it wasnt the only form of treatment. There was philonium magnum, requies magna, and athanasia which were also treatments for the plague at the time (Fabbri 273). These were similar to Theriac in a way because they did the same purpose such as sedatives, used to prevents symptoms of the plague, and acted similar to muscle relaxers. This was also due to the amount of ways that Theriac was given. Theriac and theriac-like opiates were not only given in oral form as electuaries and syrups, but also in rectal, topical, transmucosal, and inhalable preparations (Fabbri 269). The difference between these and Theriac was that since Theriacs main ingredient was opioids, it solved acute pains. Theriac was not only used in the 1300s but was used up until late 1800s. The German pharmacopoeia still used Theriac until 1872 and 1884 edition of the Pharmacopee fran? §faise (Fabbri 280). Now, although in this time historic medical practices were still an uproar, there was still some practices that had to be constricted such as bloodletting. Bloodletting was used to balance out the four humors when one was off. This procedure was used as a cultural practice but precludes the physiologic elements because it was considered a magical belief. During this time period, physicians had an opportunity to succeed, gain credibility, and rein prestige over other physicians for immersing themselves into their profession and finding a cure to the devastating plague. However, they could to fail miserably and lose their credibility as an efficient medical practitioners, and ultimately lose their prestige throughout society. As a result to this competition against other physicians, they needed to act quickly, even if not directly with patients, in response to the plague, and had to do so in ways that preserve and secure their position in society. Few physicians responded by writing ample number of plague tractates, where they detailed the causes of the Black Death, how it could be prevented, and even, cures or ways in which to assuage the effects of the plague. Also, physicians wrote about the necessary preventative measures. Physicians warned the people to stay in the dry air with no corrupting vapors. These tractates also included on how to bathe and what your diet should be to prevent the plague. It is represented in the kinds of writings that physicians wrote across Europe which attempted to explain the Black Death and provide the solutions to it. Early tractates were typically concerned about the plagues causation and precautions against it. The cause and disease prevention were the main subjects of speculative medicine. As such, physicians educated in such departments gravitated toward the information and analyzed the teachings, and commented upon from earlier authorities who they studied from. Work of Hippocrates and other accepted authorities did not provide the information for medieval physicians on how to fight against an epidemic as big as the Black Death had become. Their work did not prepare newer physicians for the task they had in front of them. Galens Theriac was the closest they had to a remedy however, it did not cure the plague. New remedies had to be developed quickly. The problem was that even though the most outstanding physicians and surgeons were still learning, these new remedies had be based in practical experiences with plague victims. The process of this having to learn new ways to combat this plague began in the early years of the Black Death and continued to evolve throughout the fifteenth century. Initially, the tractates seem to have been a way to assert dominance in physicians of learned medicine. The inability to adequately serve the European populations in time of plague caused a preference for physicians to write advocating practical measures for combating the plague instead of just explaining it. Physicians had always had access to the observations of plague victims which means they had plenty of opportunity for discovering the best ways to care for the victims. However, it is evident that, despite the progress made, plague is still a deadly disease. While modern scientific knowledge has generally enhanced our understanding of the medical world of the past, in the case of the plague it has been a hindrance (Clouse). Thus, they continued interest in finding its treatment and sharing the findings through writing, which remained an important pursuit well after the Black Death itself. It wasnt until mid 1800s, after the most recent breakout of the plague, for an actual cure for the Black Death was found in China. Researchers isolated that the Black death was actually a rod shaped bacillus that was responsible. It was found that Yersinia pestis was the cause of the plague and found that rats also showed plague symptoms that were similar to people, and those who were infected typically had flea bites. The big question is why did it take so long to find a cure? Overall, the first step was finding a cause of the cure before curing the plague. It took hundreds of years to find what caused the plague since nobody exactly knew how it was started. They found ways of dealing with the symptoms, but besides curing the symptoms, it was difficult to find the true cause. Once the cause of the Black Death is found, they next have to find a treatment that actually will work against that specific cause. Then, they have to test their cure in isolated areas to determine if it would actually work. Today, there would be an extra step and make sure the drug is safe to use through phases of drug testing. Back then there wasnt processes such as this To this day, the plague is still around but due to research based on past experiences we were able to safely prescribe a medication to patients. It wasnt until mid 1800s when the cure for the plague was found, in accordance, the law was passed for prescription drugs to become legal. The legalization of prescription drugs allows for people to quickly solve a medical problem that they have without intense medical treatment. Prescriptions come in multiple different forms. Modern medicine has, indeed, similarly perfected inhalable, oral, transdermal, and transmucosal sustained release preparations for a variety of drugs, including narcotic analgesics. This allows variability for patients and gives their input, as well as their doctors, to choose what is best for that person. Not only did the Black Death allow for medication advances but also hospitals. The Black death revolutionized hospitals similar to how they are today. Hospitals use to be a place of hospitality rather than a place where you seek medical attention. When disease was based on the four humors, doctors would send them off with a way to cure it themselves. In a hospital, it is more relevant to be the one being helped rather than helping yourself. The Black death helped the European people realize that the four humors were not the fault of cause of disease anymore. People started realizing that the four humors being out of balance was just too wild of a theory for the cause of the plague. With the amount of people that were being affected by this disease, it was later introduced that contagion was the real concern. Contagion introduced the concept of quarantine and the importance of it for the concern of the public health. Quarantine may sound like an intense punishment however, it was one of the most successful ways of controlling the spread of the plague. When scientists do not have an effective cure, isolating the disease for the safety of the publics health is the best option. We find cases similar to this still in modern history. Ebola was a similar breakout and it shows us the fear that European people went through while facing the plague. The United States took actions of quarantine since we understood the concept of co ntagion. The Governments best option was to quarantine the infected until a cure could be found. In conclusion, the Black Death was an not only a devastating event in history but also one of the most beneficial. The impact on the medical field has developed the gifts we were given today through our health care system. While the Black Death was taking place, Galens medical knowledge led them into the right direction, but eventually allowed for us to learn from his knowledge. The results of the plague were devastating but was a push for the health system to find cures as well as advance its teachings and medical practices.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
About the Patients’ Vital Informations Free Essays
The male patients being dealt with in the case is a 35 year old male who is married. He has been reported to have been involved in drinking since he was 16 years of age. It could be noted that during those years, he developed a certain level of tolerance with the effect of alcohol upon his physical system. We will write a custom essay sample on About the Patients’ Vital Informations or any similar topic only for you Order Now Within those years of tolerance, alcohol became medicine-like source of his calmness. He claims in his narration of his experiences that he has normally been alcoholically dependent to the liquor that he drinks until his tolerance grew even weaker that he became much involved with drinking during parties. He admitted having to drink three rounds during parties then later on in the morning, he would still need to have another drink upon waking up to keep his sense back to normal for his job. At first, the seriousness of his tolerance towards the matter has not been recognized at once. However, although he denied telling the physicians with regards his passing out at times, several memory problems every now and then, having hepatitis illness, and also having a diminished sexual drive, it cannot be denied that as the years of tolerance prolonged, his ability to perform his responsibilities to his family and his wife as well as his responsibilities in the job accurately diminished as well. Although he continued denying the fact that there are already changes happening within his personal behavior, the symptoms became more and more obvious that it already affected his personal relationships and his reputation as an individual, most likely in terms of his professional life as he continues as an officer in an engineering company. It is undeniable that his personal adjustments needed to be given attention to. Hence, he attended a 28-day in-patient alcohol rehabilitation process and later on continued a three month AA therapy. He was also given a tranquilizer by a physician; however, because of fear of being depended in the medicine, he refused to take the prescription given to him. It could be noted through his narration of his past experiences and the progression that he particularly shows with regards his situation proves that he is quite in denial of the fact that he is already having a great tolerance with liquor intake. This effect upon his personal behavior could be noted to have detrimental effects with his personal dealings. This is the reason why it is very important that the said individual be given assistance through professional help. It may be true that he is indeed in denial, but through careful assistance, it is undeniable that the process could still be successful for both the therapist and the patient himself. How to cite About the Patients’ Vital Informations, Papers
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Emotionally Abusive Relationships Essay Example
Emotionally Abusive Relationships Essay Example Emotionally Abusive Relationships Essay Emotionally Abusive Relationships Essay Running head: Emotionally Abusive Relationship Emotionally Abusive Relationship Chanda Annon 1204A August 2012 Term Emotionally Abusive Relationship I. Introduction a. People can be in an emotional abusive relationship and not even know it. b. Emotional Abuse can be considered the most painful source of abuse. II. Emotionally Abusive can be considered an non-physical abuse a. It can destroy someone emotionally b. It can make someone feel worthless c. It can destroy your relationship III. Child abuse can be a reason for your present abuse a. Physical Abuse b. Emotional Abuse c. Verbal Abuse IV. What can you do to help with the emotional abuse. a. Talk about your childhood with eachother b. Don’t only focus on your part in the abuse c. Talk about it together to try and figure out the problems V. Conclusion a. You can’t force your partner to understand your way of things. Often times people are in an emotionally abusive relationship and don’t even know it. And when you hear about emotional abuse you might just shrug it off like it’s no big deal. In all reality emotional abuse can be one of the most painful forms of abuse, cutting to the very core of a person, creating scars longer lasting than physical ones. Weather it is one or both partners being emotionally abusive, the relationship becomes increasingly more toxic as time goes by. Over time, anger can build on the part of both abuser and victim, and emotional abuse can turn to physical violence. Emotional Abuse can be defined as and non-physical behavior that is used to intimidate, punish, isolate, or control a person using degrading, fearful, or humiliating tactics. It is not only made up of negative behaviors but also negative attitude such as; not caring how others feel, believing your always right, and believing others should always do as you say. The primary effects of emotional abuse on a victim are depression, no motivation, confusion, low self-esteem, feeling worthless, self-blame, etc. Ultimately, given enough time, most victims of emotional abuse come to not only blame themselves for the problems in the relationship but also believe that they are inadequate, contemptuous, and even unlovable. If you are in an emotionally abusive relationship chances are you had an emotionally abusive childhood. Emotional abuse of children includes abuse such as; physical abuse- when a parent does not provide basic necessities (clothing, food, or shelter). Emotional neglect- when parents show no affection or interest in their child, alcoholics in particular are often neglectful of their child’s needs. Verbal abuse- constantly putting their child down, name calling, and being overly critical. One pattern established by those emotionally abused in childhood is called â€Å"repetition compulsion†- an unconscious drive to repeat the type of abusive relationship we had as a child attempting to get a different outcome. The repetition compulsion explains why, if one of your parents was verbally abusive to you, you will tend to be verbally abusive to your partner and/or children. Emotional abuse or neglect in childhood severely limits a person’s ability to maintain a healthy relationship in adulthood. Abused victims may view their partner as their enemy and focus more on what their partner does wrong instead of right. Not only working on your own problems, and your part in the abuse, you and your partner must work together to stop the abuse from destroying your relationship. Here is a little exercise to better understanding each other: Share your histories, since it is highly likely that you were both neglected, physically, mentally, emotionally, and sexually abused as children. This will help you have a better understanding of your behavior and attitudes origin. Your story does not need to tell your entire childhood, but include experiences of neglects, abandonment, or abuse. After you’ve had a chance to share your stories, sit down and discuss your reactions to the sharing. Include things such as, your reaction to what they told you an how it made you fell to know that happened to them, how your experiences were similar or different, and any connection you made concerning what happened as a child and what has occurred in your present relationship. If your partner doesn’t see the connection, drop it. You can’t force them to see the pattern if they don’t. References: beverlyengel. com/books/emotionally. abuse. rel. htm Susan Forward, Ph. D. , author of Emotional Blackmail Marti Loring, Ph. D. , author of Emotional Abuse and coeditor of The Journal of Emotional Abuse Randi Kreger, author of The Stop Walking on Eggshells Workbook and owner of BPDCentral. com Steven Farmer, Ph. D. , author of Adult Children of Abusive Parents and Sacred Ceremony
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
How a Car Wash Led to a Grammar Lesson †and a Valentine’s Day Life Lesson
How a Car Wash Led to a Grammar Lesson – and a Valentine’s Day Life Lesson A Car Washing Adventure From time to time it is necessary, living in a snowy city, to give my car a respite from the salt that eats away at it for much of the winter. During my last visit to Octopus Car Wash, as I waited for my car to get spit out the other end of the car wash, I discovered a wall full of greeting cards, many of them by a local Wisconsin greeting card company, Byrne Schmidt Greetings. What a great idea! I love browsing humorous and clever greeting cards and went to work picking out cards to give to my friends and family for upcoming holidays. Leave it to me to find a grammar issue in one of the birthday cards. Squirrely Grammar Lesson Squirrely Grammar On the front of one card, I found a picture of a squirrel holding an oversized acorn under each arm. The title: A Squirrel Birthday Poem. The first three lines of the poem: Happy Birthday to you, You can bet your sweet butt To insure you a great birthday I opened the card to find the last two lines of the poem: I’d give my left nut. I laughed. And I also got inspired to write about the difference between â€Å"ensure†and â€Å"insure.† My first reaction was that â€Å"insure†had been used incorrectly here and that the correct verb was â€Å"ensure.† As I did my research, I learned that I was only partially right about that assessment. The Essay Expert Gets a Grammar Lesson: Assure, Insure, Ensure Associated Press style does indeed dictate that â€Å"ensure†means to make sure something happens and that â€Å"insure†means to issue a life insurance policy. Other authorities, however, state that it is acceptable to use the two interchangeably, though â€Å"insure†does more often relate to monetary insurance and â€Å"ensure†more often relates to a non-monetary guarantee. About.com has a great article about these distinctions, and covers the word â€Å"assure†as well. See Assure, Ensure, and Insure: Commonly Confused Words by Richard Nordquist. I’m not going to go into detail about the difference between all these words. I do want to point out that regardless of his or her proper word choice, the greeting card writer took artistic license in omitting the verb in the sentence. A correct sentence would have read, â€Å"To insure that you have a great birthday†¦.† The way it read, â€Å"To insure you a great birthday†doesn’t make sense. We can insure a car or a house, or insure *that* something happens, but we can’t ensure a person something. And Now for the Valentines Day Life Lesson Nevertheless, I am more interested in the fact that I was so sure the word choice in the card was incorrect that I almost wrote a blog article about the difference between insure and ensure without doing my research. What a great lesson in being willing to be wrong! I often think I’m right about a lot of things, not just grammatical issues. Things like how clean a kitchen should be, or what habits are healthy and not, or what is the best way to do just about anything. Sometimes being right is not the best way to sustain healthy relationships. And sometimes I’m just plain wrong. I can assure you of that. It’s Valentine’s Day. Is there anything you’re sure you’re right about with your loved ones? Are you willing to consider the possibility that there’s another right answer out there in the world besides yours? Please share your thoughts on grammar and on being right. I’d love to hear your comments! Category:Grammar Writing TipsBy Brenda BernsteinFebruary 14, 2011 9 Comments judyb says: February 15, 2011 at 12:06 pm But its just a card!!! Found your website from the Linkedin Blogger Group. Log in to Reply The Essay Expert says: February 15, 2011 at 1:08 pm Thanks for your comment Judy. In the world of The Essay Expert, everything is fodder for a grammar lesson and sometimes a life lesson too! Log in to Reply Kerri Randall says: February 16, 2011 at 7:36 pm Found you through LinkedIn, too. =) And yes, its just a card but (and I totally dont mean this in a mean or harsh tone) but it baffles me that on the whole, spelling and grammar just arent important to a vast majority of people, it seems, and even more annoying is the fact that its rude to correct people. Yargh, lol. Thats just me, though. I was a writing major in college and still write often, so I have those stereotypical grammar and spelling pet peeves. =) Log in to Reply Jackie Grande says: February 15, 2011 at 8:14 pm I love the card, but even more so love the lesson learned! Nice article Brenda. Log in to Reply Sherry Zander says: February 16, 2011 at 7:39 pm Hi, Brenda. This bugged me, so I do what I do every time I have a question about a word(s) I looked all three of them up in Websters. Interestingly enough, all three words are synonymous of each other. This boggles my mind, since I was always taught that insure was related to insurance products only. I would never have guessed this changed had you not posted this on your blog. Log in to Reply Mari-Lyn says: February 16, 2011 at 10:23 pm Wheres the flash cards? Its cute that you used a greeting card for your post. Thanks for the lesson of grammar. Bet you could re-write my comment. Log in to Reply Hajra says: February 17, 2011 at 3:52 pm Hey Brenda, I am visiting after such a long time and boy I had so much fun with this post! This Valentiness I assured myself that I wouldnt feel miserable on being single but that didnt happen. Log in to Reply The Essay Expert says: February 17, 2011 at 4:22 pm Welcome back Hajra! Glad you enjoyed. And may Valentines Day be a joy for you in the future no matter your relationship status! Log in to Reply Penelope J. says: February 17, 2011 at 8:20 pm Hi Brenda, Id have had exactly the same reaction as you did to that card. Its sad how we can overlook something funny or enjoyable because of incorrect grammar or punctuation. I also find that many cant distinguish between insure and ensure and misuse of the two words is common in what should be well-written documents and even articles. Id like to subscribe to your blog but the button doesnt work. What should I do? Log in to Reply
Monday, February 17, 2020
Compare soccer in Brazil and football in America Essay
Compare soccer in Brazil and football in America - Essay Example Subsequently, rugby originating from England’s rugby school crossed the Atlantic to America, and developed into the sport of American football. The purpose of this paper is to compare different aspects of Brazilian soccer and American football. Comparison of Brazilian Soccer and American Football According to Bellos (2009), the world-famous game of Brazilian soccer is significant for the immese skills of its individual players, which surpass team tactics. Rather than physical challenges or long-distance passes, dribbles and flicks are preferred, and players’ techniques have all the elements of dance. Thus, Brazilian soccer is made up of a combination of athletes and artists. Not only the rest of the world, but Brazilians also define themselves by their Soccer. Bellos (2009) observes that the game symbolizes racial harmony, flamboyance, youth, innovation, and skill, and is also a microcosm of the country itself, including its contradictions. American football is an all-a ction team sport, states Gifford (2009). The development of the National Football League of professional players, did not affect the popularity of college football throughout the United States. The teams in major colleges have considerable fan following, and the game is played in very large stadiums, thereby providing financial support for the game. Both sports have eleven players on each side. The most apparent difference between soccer and American football is that in soccer the ball is kicked by the players who are not allowed to use their hands for playing; while only the goalkeeper is allowed to handle the ball (Goncalves, 1998). Jeromski (2010) supports this, stating that â€Å"in soccer the hands are strictly forbidden from touching the ball, while in American football they are an integral part of ball movement†. Thus, American football permits the throwing of the ball. A lot of practice is required for throwing the ball successfully. (Gifford, 2009, p.16) explains tha t â€Å"the thrower steps forward, turning his hips and shoulders to face the target. The ball is released with a flick of the wrist to help it spin and travel smoothly towards its target†. Further, soccer balls are round in shape; while American football uses oval-shaped balls. In soccer, a goal is scored by putting the ball into a net made up of two posts and a crossbar, and is worth one point (Woods & Owen, 2011). Similarly, in American football, a touch down is scored at the end zone, over a touch-line. Thus, when a receiver catches a ball from a quarterback, he avoids getting tackled, and runs into the end zone. This touchdown is worth 6 points, and is the score that the players aim for. According to Gifford (2009, p.8), â€Å"despite its name, a touchdown does not mean that the ball has to touch the ground. To score, a player must carry the ball into the end zone or catch it in the end zone†. Further, in a soccer game, the play is open, fluid and continuous; on t he other hand in a game of American football, â€Å"the teams move down the field in increments, one play at a time†(Jeromski, 2010). A soccer game extends for a total of over 90 minutes (Goncalves, 1998), and is divided into two halves. On the other hand, a game of American football lasts for a total of just 60 minutess, and consists of four 15-minute-long quarters. However, the full game may extend to three to four hours, if overtime is played between teams
Monday, February 3, 2020
Ethical Considerations in Nursing Education Dissertation
Ethical Considerations in Nursing Education - Dissertation Example More definitions have incorporated aspects such as viewing ethics to be principles that underlie decisions in order to conform to one or another standard of conduct. Looking at the concept of ethics, which also has to do with morality, it becomes clear that it constitutes laws that basically constitute the socially accepted rules of conduct and that have been established in order to protect the larger society (Bosek and Savage, 2007). Laws, at the same time, are rooted in wider values that are held by majority of people in any given society, and they function with intention to create order in activities that humans may be involved in (Bosek and Savage, 2007). As a result, laws largely tend to bring fairness and justice and this has to do with protection of the rights of individuals and society. To be moral or ethical, as individual would be largely acting or behaving in a specific way in order to accomplish particular ethical practices. This is particularly evident given that individ uals, including nurses have different ideas of what they believe is moral, as well as how they interpret what constitutes moral experience. Individuals are not the same, and as a result, they are likely to possess different viewpoints concerning what is moral and what is not, a situation that is further likely to results into conflicting doctrines or theories about how people should live, as well as how everyday moral problems can be resolved. Billington (2003 cited in O’Connor, 2006) developed key aspects, which can be used to describe what constitutes morality and ethical practices. According to the author, morals and ethics exhibit the following characteristics: it is impossible for any one to avoid making moral or ethical decisions since the social... This paper approves that ethical training for majority of nursing students should largely center on establishing the best ways of dealing with how well to avoid egocentrism tendencies that may be the source of conflict in the profession. In most cases, individuals have own or personal belief systems, which they consider appropriate, and sometimes superior as compared to the beliefs of others. This notion, when it becomes past of nursing students, is likely to be the major impediment in conducting or carrying out one’s duty. Due to this, nursing students have to gain and utilize knowledge that expresses explicitly how well they can minimize egocentrism tendencies, hence reduce likelihood of ethical dilemma. This essay makes a conclusion that nursing is a profession that, like other professions, has progressively become a field that considers ethical and legal issues with great seriousness. Nursing involves working with people who, apart from treatment, require care. The care management extended to patients is likely to be a complex process, especially where the issue of decision-making and individual rights are concerned. Apart from this, nursing as a field is viewed as the critical avenue in which treatment, healing, and care of patient is adequately achieved, and it is from this matter that ethical issues and consideration in nursing have progressively become necessary. Ethical training and moral development of nursing students is critical, since it enables the students to prepare adequately for roles of nursing in future endeavors.
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Impact Of Social Media On Business Commerce Essay
Impact Of Social Media On Business Commerce Essay Social media or in other words New Media defines social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Flicker, Youtube along with many more sites that engage users to participate in,comment on and create content as means of communicating with their social group,other users and public.It can take place via a computer(like laptops and netbooks),tablets(like iPads,iTouch and others) and mobile phones(smart phones).Social media in todays world has become a global phenomenon. Social media in todays world is a part of any business, no firms are able to sell there products without the help of social media because social media is a mass communication media which takes the detail of quality and price of the product to the consumers. Hence social media helps the firm fully to bring the profit in from the business . 1Agnihotri, Raj; Kothandaraman, Prabakar; Kashyap, Rajiv; Singh, Ramendra. (2012). impact of social media on business. Journal of Personal Selling Sales Management. . 32 (16), p333-348. This article is very interesting, it provides useful information about the history of social media and it explains how social media impacts business. It has useful information about the impact of social on business In different fields of business. I will use this source in my final essay because it explains about different terms for example sales management, business intelligence, business planning and many more. Furthermore, it explains how the organistaions achieve goals using social media. Its a fastest growing process in business organizations which sketches a goal in an organizations. However social media is a very important tool which explains how to maintain tasks in various fields like a salesman to maintain a job in a better way to create a job value. This article is giving me different ideas how the business is done with the help of social media. As you can see this article has the common points about the social media marketing strategies, firms strategies, business planning and sales management. Dave Ray . (2010). The Positive Effects of Social Media. Available: http://www.searchengineisland.com/2012/05/positive-effects-of-social-media-online.html. Last accessed 28th oct 2012. This site explains about the positive impact of social media on business. It explains how to use social media for future online business whatever it may be, a product or marketing which will pay you dividend at the end of the day. This site also gives information about how social media has grown in the world wide mostly in business, as you can see nowadays no business runs without the help of social media. However using this site for my final essay will be more useful because it point out how the business firms use networking websites to keep in touch with customers, examine the, and know there taste and preference . Therefore this website is giving me different ideas and it clarifies about different networking social and business oriented social network websites and it also throw light upon how the firms achieve their goals with the help of social media networking websites ( for example facebook, twitter and myspace) john souza. (2011). social media features for a boost in business.Available: http://socialmediamarketinguniversity.com/10-musthave-social-media-features-boost-business/. Last accessed 28th oct 2012. I am taking this site as my source because it gives me detail about social media features which helps the firms to improve their business. It illustrate about various social media websites like facebook, twitter, linkedin and youtube. For example: facebook pages helps the enterprise in advertising their product on their pages which are liked by many members and whenever a commodity is liked by a member it goes on his/her personal profile therefore the enterprise freely advertised and it saves the cost of the commodity. As well as in twitter, if an account is upgraded to professional then their will be many members to tweet you which means more profit for the firm. Therefore I should use this source in my final essay because it defines social media in a better way and it teaches how the business firms make their brands name popular and how they make they profit by using social media network pages . Catherine Lovering. (2010). Negative Effects of Social Media on Business. Available: http://smallbusiness.chron.com/negative-effects-social-media-business-25682.html. Last accessed 27th oct 2012 I am taking this article as my source for the final essay , different articles explains different things as this explains me how social media creates problems for business firms . In these days no company can use negative products as they are noticed by media, because if they do, media makes negative stories about their products which creates a big problem for the company and company is publicized with the bad name in the market . Social media is a big part of the business ,social media invites everyone to its community employees, labors and consumers . social media makes difficulty for the companies to say about their brands that are negative, because customers are openly invited to media and they would comment on the brands that defamatory . Thus, using this article as a source in my final essay will be more helpful then any other because it points out many negative topics about social median negative impacts on business and how does it creates problem for companies like speaking of unauthorized workers on organizations behalf. Rodriguez, Michael; Peterson, Robert M.; Krishnan, Vijaykumar. . (2012). impact of social media on business. Journal of Personal Selling Sales Management. . 32 (14), p365-378. In this article Michael, Robert and vijay kumar has explained how the social media influence business firms. According to Neilson company(2010), social media users world wide grew nearly 30 percent in 2010, from 244 million to nearly 315 million users. Research from Gartners consumers technology and markets groups forecasted that global spending on social media would total $14.9 billion in 2012(Gupta 2011) (content.ebscohost.com/ContentServer.asp?EbscoContent ) Therefore, as the use of social media rises, the price of the product also rises and the customer who are called king of the market tend to change to its substitutes of that commodity which has the deserving price rather than the commodity that is advertise through means of social media. This article has discussed about the negative impacts of social media which says that because of social media many big business firms loses its customers every year for many different reasons.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Mad Shadows and the Scarlet Letter
In the novel Mad Shadows by Marie-Claire Blais and The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne, isolation was used as a major theme to sculpt and reveal the characters true identity. The behaviour of each central character towards isolation crafted their fates. The Scarlet Letter portrays the psychological effects of alienation on the characters. Mad shadows illustrates an unprincipled world where beauty is skin only deep and love is measured by material possessions. The main character in The Scarlet Letter, Hester Prynne, committed adultery with the Reverend Arthur Dimmesdale. Hester was outcast by the puritan community that deemed her a presence of evil. Hester refused to reveal the other adulterer. In doing so, Arthur Dimmesdales quietly suffered until he finally completed penance. Roger Chillingsworth whom Hester was lawfully wed to, swore to reveal her lover thus poisoning his soul with revenge. Hester wore a scarlet letter A_ _as punishment, estranging her from her community. This was to remind her and everyone of her sinful deed. She had no communication with the rest of the world either than her trips to receive and deliver embroidery orders. Hester lived in a cottage remote from the sphere of society. The dark forest provided Hester with private surroundings in which she may search for truth and escape the glare of her community, although dejected. The consequence of her pure and innate impulse had to be taken on with humiliation in exile. Arthur Dimmesdale imposed desolation upon himself. Dimmesdale was incapable and reluctant to openly make public his sin. He therefore continued to be troubled by his own shame and as a result felt inner isolation from the community. His secret also forbade him from being with Hester and his daughter, separating him from his family. Dimmesdale saw himself as an immoral person. He reprimanded himself with neglect and hunger. When Dimmesdale finally frees himself from guilt and shame by confessing to the public, he yields to illness and dies. Roger Chillingworth undergoes a masked and vague form of estrangement and seclusion. He is physically divorced from Hester and feared by the townspeople, who believed that he was evil. Chillingworth, obsessed with seeking Hester’s secret lover, became mentally detached from himself. He gradually loses his self to the devil. Impiety causes Chillingworth to ultimately withdraw from his prior self. He lived secluded in a world which he believed only holds bitterness and anger. The central characters in The Scarlet Letter manipulated and contributed to the theme of isolation through their personalities. They were secluded from one another, themselves and their community. Hester, Dimmesdale, and Chillingworth endured differtent types of alienation and isolation and to various degrees. Hester is segregated from society. Dimmesdale felt alone due to the secrecy of his sin. Chillingworth surrendered himself to evil and gradually withers away. Mad Shadows focuses on a family that live in a corrupt perception of true beauty and love. Louise, who only valued material possessions and outer beauty, disregarded her unsightly daughter while pampering her handsome son. Her shallowness planted a jealous seed in Isabelle-Marie preventing her from experiencing happiness. Patrice on the other hand lived in superficiality and never had a deeper meaning to life or himself. These characters are isolated from nature and each other consequently preventing true happiness. Isabelle-Marie was the unsightly daughter of Louise. Her appearance deemed her unworthy of her mother’s love and affection. Isabelle-Marie was assigned to work in the farms preoccupying her time and preventing her from socializing. She was separated from the family because of the way she looked. Patrice couldn’t sympathize with his sister due to his idiocy. Her mother’s mistreatment spawned hatred for herself. Isabelle-Marie was wrapped in jealousy preventing her from loving her brother. Insecurities inspired her to lie to her husband ultimately losing him in the end. She had a daughter, like her she was ugly and her lack of love and acceptance for herself prevented her for genuinely loving her child. After she took revenge on her unloving mother Isabelle-Marie was still unfulfilled, everything was gone except for her, soon after she took her life. Patrice was treated like a baby by his mother. His beauty was her possession and was the only thing she loved of him. Patrice never knew anybody but Louise. He felt no real love from his family and was never understood. His mother spoke for him, acted on his behalf, and thought for him. Patrice was detached from his true self for he did not need to ponder anything outside of his mother and his beauty. When Patrice’s face was disfigured he lost his mother’s love and was left in an asylum. Unable to cope with his loneliness he eventually escaped the asylum to go back to his mother, only to find the remains of his life burned. His upbringing kept his soul and purpose empty. Ultimately Patrice lived in a hollow shell. Louise was an empty and excessive doll. Her concerns were only of her trim body and Patrice’s beauty, which she saw as her own beauty. External beauty made her self-absorbed not allowing her to naturally love Isabelle-Marie. Her marriage to Lanz served as a union of two faded and shallow lovers. Lanz only saw Louise for her beauty and riches. Her demanding husband forced Louise to give less of herself to her son, driving a wedge between them. Louise’s incapability to naturally lover her children kept herself detached from them. In the end she died alone amongst her possessions. The family lived in an immoral world. Isabelle-Marie destroyed her life and family due to her self-loathing. She was not able to completely lover her daughter for she was her mirror. Patrice lived in a world without living. When everything he knew was in ruins, he found his soul and peace in the lake. Louise only loving material possession condemned her children lives. The main characters segregation from each other didn’t let them escape the feeling of loneliness in their present lives. Marie-Claire Blais and Nathaniel Hawthorne depicted the characters inner feelings of suffering and hurt through relentless loneliness and seclusion. Both authors used two different forms of estrangement, isolation and alienation. The central characters in both novels experience different settings of isolation, which they developed with their personalities. The Scarlet Letter emphasized the suffering of the characters in psychological aspect. Mad Shadows_ _focused on the shallowness of the heart. The main characters in both novels undergo a variety of changes which eventually sealed their fates. *Mad Shadows and The* Scarlet Letter Theme of isolation Agnes Palaganas April 8, 2010 ENG18Y1- James Meade Reference: Blais,Marie-Claire. Mad Shadows. This New Canadian Library:2008 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. The Scarlet Letter. Penguin Books:2003
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Dirty Facts About Hook Essay Samples Uncovered
Dirty Facts About Hook Essay Samples Uncovered Creating texts is a complex endeavor for virtually any individual, but it is not actually a talent it is more of skill. Ultimately, the very best essays are those which reflect an interesting, funny, insightful, or inspiring facet of your personality in a manner that engages the audience. More frequently, samples are located in the archives section at which you will have a chance to peruse through plenty of them and of all types. Additionally, for lovers of philosophy in the shape of stories, there are scores and scores of sites with parables and similar works. Hooks are crucial for any kind of academic paper. Be mindful that the hook must be related to the total subject of the paper. Apparently, there are a number of different tactics to compose an impressive introduction with a hook. It's also significant to discover the most important ideas that should be put down in your hook. Don't neglect to take the preparatory measures and determine which type of hook is the most useful. If you're still not able to produce an exciting hook, you always have the option to ask professionals for support. Hook Essay Samples - Overview There's, obviously, a limit on the variety of pages even our finest writers can produce with a pressing deadline, but usually, we can satisfy all the clients seeking urgent assistance. Your essay should offer admission officers with new details. By way of example, persuasive essay hook may give people a chance to take away your viewpoint. Taking the opportunity to craft a well-founded and intriguing hook is a bright investment for virtually any college applicant. Whispered Hook Essay Samples Secrets Speaking of which, your question could be rhetorical and don't have any answer in any respect. Below you can locate the answer! Essays shouldn't be boring, or so the objective is to create your reader actually WANT to read more. An essay may be used to present an argument with the goal of convincing the audience to have a stand on a specific matter. You will take note of how to compose a hook for an essay if you fully understand the aim of your writing. As you probably know, the main portion of the essay is the start. Therefore, an analytical essay is a bit of writing that gives an informative observation about the particular topic or idea. Apparently, writing an essay on the subject of marijuana is too general. It's simple to point out an essay that's been written solely for the interest of it. Make readers curious of what you're likely to say in your essay. In fact, however, you can wait until your whole essay is nearly finished and then return and rewrite the exact first paragraph. An excellent essay is one which leaves a long-lasting impression. Probably most popular one is the best way to introduce my essay or How to acquire a superior hook. 1 key to a thriving abortion essay is to begin with a good hook that could get your audience interested in your essay from the very first line. Taking the opportunity to specify an in depth scene will aid your reader have a very clear picture in their minds and make a productive hook. Supply an intriguing fact about something you're likely to talk about in your essay's body and your audience may wish to keep reading in order to find out more. If your readers are mostly kids and young individuals, the easy anecdote is going to be an ideal match. The rhetorical question-like intro is genuinely hooking because nearly all readers might want to know why some people today choke and other people panic. What You Don't Know About Hook Essay Samples First it gets your reader interested in this issue and encourages them to read what you've got to say about doing it. Don't forget to begin your essay strongit should have the capacity to spark the interests of your readers. If you would like to make your essay interesting, you may talk about racism in the context of contemporary culture. An essay on climate change isn't overly challenging to write, so long as you take pleasure in the topic. The Basics of Hook Essay Samples It is vital to begin your writing with a hook to earn your essay engaging from the very start. You don't need to possess the ideal writing skills to be able to be creative and compose an effective essay. Whether you're writing short or long essays, you wish to capture the interest of your reader. Writing a fantastic essay on technology does not need to be difficult. Using Hook Essay Samples Therefore, in the event you decide to use such hook, locate a rare yet relevant quote. A hook is written to draw the reader. Although it's a rather modest element, an ideal hook is both informative and engaging. A really excellent hook can make your wr iting interesting for anybody to read. The success of selecting great essay topic ideas, setting the proper tone, and making a superb persuasive essay hook is dependent on how well you understand your audience! Also, deciding on the right topic is essential. You must find the proper resources for your essay and patience when finding the correct inspiration to write. As an essay usually intends to offer effective solutions to some problems, the very good idea is to begin with advice. Indeed, it's in the very first paragraphs that the reader judges whether he or she's prepared to keep on reading the essay. You've got to begin your essay with the hook sentence already because in the event the audience reads the very first couple of sentences from the report, and they're not attracted, they will not provide your text another chance by reading it till the end. The reader ought to be anticipating doing more reading, not feel like they've seen the best of the entire essay in the ve ry first couple of sentences. With a quote, your writing makes a particular statement and assists you establish your authority for a writer. The Benefits of Hook Essay Samples It's fine to adjust your topic and a hook in a research approach. Apparently, you shouldn't compose an essay for professionals in biology utilizing teenage language. The introduction usually starts out with some type of background info. A thriving essay introduction should incorporate these elements background info, thesis statement and, needless to say, an attention grabber or a hook.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Machiavelli s The Prince And The Discourse Essay
Niccolà ² Machiavelli wrote a book which called The Prince. It is about the political ideology of Machiavelli s political realism, which means the effective truth is taken to be more important than any abstract ideal. In this book, he talks about the importance of the concept of virtà º. He claimed that rulers have to suppress their personal virtues while sometimes committing improper acts in order to maintain powers and protect their principalities. In Discourses, Machiavelli becomes to extols the virtues of a republic. In general, Machiavelli suggests that a sturdy and free political cultural state should with the applicable balance of power and with strong to rule the people and prevent decay. Machiavelli’s use of the word virtu is found throughout the books The Prince and The Discourse to describe the state of the ruling powers of the time. Virtu is essential in both The Prince and The Discourse because Machiavelli uses the concept of virtu to describe how to ideally rul e. Machiavelli presented two different scales of states in The Prince and Discourses; they are being monarchies and republics. Monarchies might be limited; there is only one person, family or body in control of a country. Republics could be mass or balance; it both reduced risk of government abuse. In The Prince, Machiavelli uses the Italian word virtà ¹, which there is no exact equivalent English word compare with it. His concept of virtue is the ability of a ruler to do whatever have to be done in order toShow MoreRelatedThe Last Days Of Socrates And Niccolo Machiavelli s The Prince And The Discourses1651 Words  | 7 PagesThe Prince and The Discourses. Both pieces take place during political uncertainty with surrounding societal turmoil. Each take a different approach to how these issues must be dealt with. They each have their own construct of an ideal political regime which, at times overlap, but at others do not. 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His writings have been the source of dispute amongst scholars due to the ambiguity of his analogy of the amp;#8216;Nature of Politics; and the implication of morality. The Prince, has been criticised due to itamp;#8217;s seemingly amoral political suggestiveness, however after further scrutiny of other works such as The Discourses, one can argue that it was Machiavelliamp;#8217;s intention to infact imply a positiveRead More Machiavelli’s View of Human Nature Essay1696 Words  | 7 Pagesreadily be elicited from The Prince. It is easy to find textual support for claims that appear to presuppose or be equivalent to some version of psychological egoism. 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The novel wasRead More Analysis of Mores The Prince and Utopia Essay1545 Words  | 7 PagesNiccolo Machiavelli was born in Florence, Italy in 1469 to a middleclass family. The time in which Machiavelli lived Italy as a country was not united but divide and split into little providences and republics. He latter became responsible for the Florentine militia against the Medici government and rule. When the Medici power reclaimed Florence Machiavelli was arrested for conspiracy he was tortured and then banished from Florence. During his banishment he wrote the book The Prince in 1513 whichRead MoreAnalysis Of Machiavelli s The Prince 1505 Words  | 7 Pagessignificance in each text. Machiavelli believed that, â€Å"a rul er must think only of military matters, and in time of peace he should be even more occupied with them than in times of war†(The Prince, 46). 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